Baka"Chris" and his Quest for the IP

My friend "Gary" has sent this converstaion for me to post. After reading it, I can only oblige to help perserve this classic moment in history. Why? Because, "Chris", is an idiot. That's really the only reason. BTW, all names and screennames have been changed to protect the innocent, etc, etc, bullshit here.

Chris: how do i find my ip address
Gary: lmao
Chris: um i need to know
Gary: why ?
Chris: i need to know for a friend
Gary: a friend ??
Gary: why so they can hack you ?
Chris: when she uses aim, sometimes a weird set of numbers appear
Gary: she dosnt need your IP address
Gary: if she had it
Chris: it resembles a ip
Gary: it would mean she could fuck you up
Gary: on aim ???
Chris: no i need to know so i can find hers
Gary: why do you need yours
Gary: every one is diffrent
Chris: i want to know how to access
Gary: ??
Chris: (Edit: This link has been altered. It was formerly an IP addy)
Gary: her IP will be much diffrent
Chris: that is the set of numbers that show up
Chris: do not click
Gary: i just did
Chris: tell me that doesnt look like a ip address
Chris: with something tagged at the end
Gary: iit is a game server IP
Gary: or AIM

Chris: but why does it show up on hers
Gary: it is ether a game, ad, or something
Gary: were does it show up at ?/
Chris: randomly when she uses aim talking to people
Gary: Hmmm
Gary: she needs to uninstall aim
Gary: and re-install
Chris: that is the easy answer
Chris: i want to look like a genius
Gary: best way unless you want to start a full scale IP attack on some one and rebuild windows
Gary: which would take 7 days !
Chris: that works
Gary: no it wont
Gary: becausei have to be at the computer and reload it
Gary: who is this ?? (edit: I believe "Gary's" meaning here is more like "Who is the girl you're speaking of good sir.")
Chris: i want to look like a genius
Gary: and i traced the IP and it came back empty
Chris: how did u trace
Gary: tools
Gary: heh
Chris: what tools
Gary: it is from the IANA
Gary: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
Chris: ?
Chris: i want that
Gary: she needs to unistall aim and reinstal
Chris: damn u
Chris: i want to look impressive
Gary: yea
Chris: not just take the easy way out
Gary: and you cant pull it off
Gary: you dont know how to do it !
Gary: i do
Chris: u doubt me
Gary: fine
Gary: what is ipconfig /release_all do ?
Chris: what
Gary: seee
Chris: i typed that in the run
Gary: you dont even know the basics
Chris: and got nothing
Gary: NO !
Gary: dude
Gary: you have to do it in Ms-dos
Chris: ms dos
Gary: NO NO NO

Gary: start a chat room with the lady and brin gme into it
Chris: she isnt online
Gary: cant helpo
Chris: that is why i need to know this shit
Gary: *sighs*
Chris: she trust next to no one as is
Gary: best i can say
Gary: reload aim !
Chris: and what if that doesnt do it
Gary: it will
Gary: if not she may have an virus on her comp
Chris: that is what she thinks it is
Gary: ok
Gary: do this
Gary: free online vvirs scan
Gary: go to scan without regiestering
Gary: select country
Chris: why do i want to scan my own cpu
Gary: no
Gary: for here
Gary: than it ask acpet yes or no
Gary: click yes
Gary: and selct My comp and everything
Gary: scan ir
Gary: and it will find and del any virus
Gary: it's freeeeee
Chris: brb
Gary: aye
Chris: im back
Gary: aye
Chris: it ended while i was out side
Chris: so i dont think i have anything to worry about
Gary: nay
Chris: now as for my ip
Chris: should i get a hard drive killer
Gary: why ???
Gary: hard drive killer will mean you will kill your hard drive
Gary: and it wont ever work again !
Chris: i wont run it on my system u fool
Gary: um
Gary: your not getting mine
Chris: i have people on a list that need to be taught a lesson
Gary: and if you use it and are cought you face a shit load of jail time for Eltronic Terrosim
Chris: true
Gary: and for one of the schools compaqs you be looking at 500- 4,000 damage
Chris: the school is on my list
Gary: your list is gonna put you on the POlice List
Chris: eh
Chris: u have a point
Gary: yea
Gary: a guy at PH when i was Computer Lab ADministrator
Gary: hacked 2 machines and BRoke a 3rd
Gary: he cant come back to Roanoke City
Chris: that was stupid
Gary: and you want to do the same thign
Chris: not to a school comp
Chris: one is a retal
Chris: and that is it
Gary: retail ??
Gary: were 0>)
Gary: thay have cams !!!
Chris: retal
Chris: not retail
Gary: eeeh ??
Chris: um, lets put it this way, u dont mess with family
Gary: fine
Gary: how you going to get it to the other comp to get to it?
Chris: hmm
Chris: yeah
Chris: something like that
Chris: trick the poor bastard
Gary: umm ok
Gary: iam going now
Gary: buh bye
Chris: ok
Chris: bye