The Adventures of Mike

Skit 46:

Mike: Really though, if there's no plot, why recap?
*Opening theme: can of worms remix*
*Mike, Ayu, Doujin Girl and Mia are outside*
Mike: Hmmm...I wonder if aliens will come?
*a giant UFO appears*
Doujin Girl: IT'S A UFO!
*an ardvark beams down*
Ardvark: Greetings. Which one of you is in charge?
Mia: A talking ardvark??
Mike: I'm in charge here.
Ayu: Oh? *cold death glare of doom*
Mike: *Sweatdrops* Or...I'd like to think I am...*points at Ayu* My wife is in charge here...
Ayu: What can I help you with?
Ardvark: We would like to challenge you for this planet.
Ayu: Ooooookay...Mike, this is all your fault.
Mike: ME?!
Ardvark: Very well, I shall use a proxy also! Come, SQUEEKUMS!
*a mouse beams down from the ship*
Squeekums: Squeek.
Mike: Whatever, let's fight and get this over with! Watch out mouse! HERE I COME!
Ardvark: Fight? Oh heavens no, we're pacifist. We'll compete in Onion Onion Patatoe.
Mike: What's that?
*5 minutes later a PPP machine with the words Onion Onion Patatoe plastered across it appears*
Ardvark: Behold! Onion Onion Patatoe!
Squeekums: Squeek!
Mike: It looks like a Para Para Parasise machine to me...
Ardvark: Is Onion Onion Patatoe.
Mike: ...whatever. *turns to Mia* Mia, why the hell are you here?
Mia: *Shrugs* Beats me. But now that you've mentioned me, I'm sure I'll have a use.
Ayu: Hurry up and start Mike!
Doujin Girl: Come on! *hooks herself up to the OOP machine*
Mike: All right mouse, let's go!
Squeekums: Squeek!
*both of them step onto the 1P and 2P spots on the machine*
Doujin Girl: Onion Onion Patatoe! 5th Mix! Give it your best! Select a song!!
*Mike chooses the theme song to The Adventures of Mike - KCEJ remix*
Doujin Girl: This is a song for the real dancers! Are you a pro?!
*two minutes later*
Mike: Geez! He's beating me!
Squeekums: Squeek!
Mike: No matter what song is next, I need to double A it!
Mia: Mike! Choose a slower song!...moron.
Mike: Yeah! That's the way!
*chooses Fly Me to the Moon*
Mike: Urk...I accidently set it to 8x speed...
*three minutes later*
Ardvark: Have a nice day.
*Ardvark, Squeekums and OOP beam up and the UFO leaves*
Ayu: Good job Mike. We just lost the planet.
Mike: But...but....
Mia: No, no, it IS your fault.
Doujin Girl: There's always a tomorrow!
Mike: Oh shut up.

Skit 46:

Skit 47:

Mike: *yawn* I don't have that big a part this time. I'm going back to sleep.
*opening theme: Bach mix*
*everyone is in the main hall except Emperess-sama and her bishis*
Mia: Well then, I'll be going now.
Doujin Girl: See you...
Kitsune: Mattene...
Oakami: WHEEE!
Ruri: White water rafting here I come...
Ayu and Mike: Take care... *they wave to the departing friends*
*Emperess-sama peeks out of her room*
Emperess: Yes! This is my chance to slip away unnoticed!
Emperess' Bishis: Soyah! Soyah! It's just as Emperess-sama says!
*Emperess-sama and all her bishis begin to tip toe towards the door*
MIke: Eh? Emperess-sama? Where are you going?
*All Emperess-sama's bishis and Emperess-sama stop*
Emperess: No where in particular! It's not like we're going to find the golden bishi of power or anything! Ahahahahaha!
Ayu: Whatever...
Mike: Yeah, see you later...
*Mike and Ayu walk off together*
Emperess-sama: HA! Now our quest for the Golden Bishi may begin!
Emperess-sama's Bishis: Soyah! Soyah!
*Emperess-sama and Bishis fly off to...EASTER ISLAND!*
Emperess-sama: Hmm...these statues on the hills...THEY MUST BE GUARDING THE GOLDEN BISHI!
Statues: Damn! She's found us out! STATUES! ATTACK!!!
*the Easter Island statues begin rolling toward Emperess-sama and her bishis*
Emperess-sama: Bishis! Attack pattern Beta!
Bishis: Soyah! Soyah!
*Emperess-sama and Bishis jump to the side, and the statues fall off the island and into the ocean*
Statues: Oh no! We're drowning!
Bishis: Sink! Sink! Sink! Sink like rocks imbedded in foamcore!
*Statues float*
Statues: GASP!
Emperess-sama: GASP!
Bishis: GASP!*sparkle increase*
Statues: No! Now our secret is revealed! We're really cheap imitation statues!
Emperess-sama: So, if you're made of fake stone, then...YOU WERE ALL MADE IN CHINA!
*Bishis nod in agreeance*
Statues: Please don't reveal our secret to the world!
Emperess-sama: Only if you tell us where and how to get the Golden Bishi!
Statues: Just go to the top of the hill and ask for it.
Emperess-sama: That's it?
Statues: Yep.
Emperess-sama: *shrugs* Okay.
*Several hours later*
Emperess-sama: We're back!
*Mike and Ayu walk in*
Mike: Welcome back.
Ayu: Who's the guy in the cloak?
Emperess-sama: He's my new bishi. Marron!
*Marron takes off his cloak. The room fills with sparkles.*
Mike: ARUGH!
Ayu: My eyes!
Emperess-sama: Hee! *hugs Marron*

Skit 47:
Marron the Bakuretsu.....Failed!

Skit 48:

Mike: What? What's everyone looking at?
*opening theme: choral*
*Everyone is in the main room*
Mike: Ayu and I want to announce something important!
Ayu: We've decided to accept our marriage!
*utter shock and silence*
Collective: WHAT?!
Kitsune: What the hell?! I thought you two hated your marriage!!
Ruri: He must've splashed her with cold water...
Ayu: Well, we kinda expected this reaction...
Emperess-sama, Mia and Doujin Girl at once: Mike...whatever it is you're doing...stop it now.......or we'll cut them off.
Mike: Why do you suspect I'm doing something?!
Ayu: Everyone! Everyone! Please! Calm down! Look we'll explain it all! Mike! Kill the lights!
*Mike turns off the lights and a slide projector appears along with a large screen from the celing*
Slide 1: Presented by Mike and Ayu. Narrated by Ayu.
*Slide 2 is a picture of Mike and Ayu*
Ayu: As you can see here, this is Myself and Mike. We were married against our will. But now we've learned to accepte it over the past several skits.
*Slides 3 through 23 are pictures of Mike and Ayu having fun, going on picnics, romantic dinners, sunsets, compromising postitions, etc.*
Ayu: While everyone has been out doing stuff, we've grown closer. And we decided to make the best of a bad situation!
*lights come back on*
Emperess-sama: Is that all!?
Mike and Ayu: Yep! *smile*
*Everyone locks themselves in their rooms*
Mike: Ah! Kitsune! Come on!
Mike: Kitsune!!
Ayu: Oakami! Don't be like this!
*Ayu's cell phone beeps, telling her she has a text message*
Ayu: Eh?...."Fuck you".....COME ON! OAKAMI!!!
*Mike and Ayu sit down on the couch together in the main room*
Ayu: Sigh, everyone's mad at us...
Mike: Yeah...but...let 'em be. They'll come around.
Ayu: I sure hope so...

Skit 48:
The End of the Century.....Failed!

Skit: 49

Mike: The last love song, on this little planet.
*Opening theme: Abridged*
Mike: We've known everyone for so long...
Ayu: Yeah, it's kinda hard to believe that they're all so mad at us...
*A knock at the door*
Mike: There's someone there.
Ayu: Well, duh, but...I don't want to get up.
Mike: Me neither...
*another knock*
Mike: Guess we'd better get the door...
Ayu: I still don't- hey!
*Mike picks up Ayu and carries her towards the door*
Ayu: *giggle* Okay! Okay! Mike! Put me down!
*Mike arrives at the door and puts Ayu down*
Ayu: Ahem, yes? Hello?
*Ayu opens the door to reveal John and Celes*
John: Mike!
Celes: Ayu!
Mike: Oh! Hey guys! What's up?
John and Celes: We got married!
Mike: No way! Oh! What am I thinking?! Come in! Please!
*they all go in and sit down on couches in the main room*
Mike: So...what happened?
John: Well, after the defeat of Aki, Celes and I were lying there in pain.
Celes: We were lying there for several days, so, we just started talking.
John: Before we knew it, we were falling for each other!
Celes: Despite the fact that we were already down on the ground of course!
John: So when we could walk again, we got married and came here!
Celes: So what have you two been up to?
Ayu: Well...
*one recap of the last 8 skits later*
Mike: Nope...
Celes: Astonishing...
Ayu: And now everyone is mad at our decision...they won't come out of their rooms...
John: That's just wrong!
Mike: Wha?
Celes: John's right! Why should they all be mad just because you two are happy?! It doesn't make sense!
Ayu: No, really...
*slowly, everyone comes into the main room*
Kitsune: Well...I can't stay mad at you forever...
Oakami: I can't ignore fell senshi...
Ruri: I realized you could've cut off the water to my room...
Emperess-sama: ....My bishis begged me...
Mia: I talked to God about it...
Doujin Girl: I've been with you two for too long. By the way, Mike, I still want your body.
Mike: *smiles* Everybody...thankyou...

Skit 49:
Puni Puni.....Failed!

*knock at the door*
Ayu: Coming...*opens the door* Hello?

Skit 50:

Mike: Don't care, for me. Don't cry, let's say goodbye. Adieu...*smiles* This is the last one.
*No opening theme, just the title*
*Everyone is in the main room, plus John and Celes*
Mike:*smiles* Thank you...everyone...
*knock at the door*
Ayu: Coming...*opens the door* Hello?
*the door opens to reveal a large group of people wearing sunglasses! 2 men and 2 women. they enter in*
Mike: Hey! Just who do you think you are?!
Man1: We're here to talk to all of you.
Man2: Yes...*walks up to Kitsune* Hello, my name is Jim.
Kitsune: Uh...right...
Woman1: *walks up to Oakami* I'm Jamie.
Oakami: Uh...touga?
Woman2:*walks up to Emperess-sama* I'm the other you.
Emperess-sama: *pause* Bishis! Take point!!
*Bishis make a barrier between the two*
Mike: *turns to man1* And who are you?
Man1: No one special.
Jim: Don't be so modest.
Man1: Sigh, fine. I'm Michael. I'm the author.
Ayu: Author of what?
Michael: You. Most of you. In fact, I created you.
Mia: Yeah right. Only God can do that.
Michael: Believe what you want, but...THIS WORLD IS CORRUPT!!*pose*
Michael: *turns red* I always liked that line.
Jamie: Mike!
Mike and Michael: Yes?
Jamie: Ah! I mean, Michael! Will you hurry it up?
Michael: Ah, sure. Basically, I'm here to tell you that this is it.
John: This is it? What are you talking about?
Michael: We're moving in a different direction, You're part of an outset, We're letting you go, etc, etc.
Mike: I don't get it.
Michael: Sigh, I'm saying, this is the last skit. It's over.
Ayu: No way...
Celes: It can't be...
Michael: Sorry, but it just isn't funny anymore.
Doujin Girl: So then, who are these people?
Jim: Kitsune is based off of me.
Kitsune: I'm you then?
Jim: *nods* More or less.
Oakami: *points at Jamie* Then...I'm...
Jamie: A much more hyper version of me.
Emperess-sama: So...what's the difference between us?
Emperess-sama: Not much.
*both huggle Marron the Golden Bishi*
Mike: much time do we have?
Michael: Not much...
*A knock at the door*
*Ayu goes to answer it, and returns with the man from skit 32*
Mike: Hey! You're the guy who gave us this house!
Man: Yeah, and I'm back now. So you all need to go.
Ayu: What?!
John: *to Michael* This is it?! This is how it ends?!!
Michael: ...
Mike: But what about your childhood friend?! Didn't you find her?
Man: No. I gave up. There's just too many people in the world...
Ayu: That's no excuse!
Man: Eh?
Ayu: You can't just give up! She's out there somewhere waiting for you! You have to go and find her!
Man: Yeah, you're right! Thanks.
*exunt man from skit 32*
Mike: Well...what now Michael?
Michael: All that's left now is for you to end it.
Mike: But how?
Michael: However you want.
Mike: Then...*holds Ayu's hand* Let's do it.
Ayu: Yeah.

To my mother,
To my father,
thank you.
And to all the children,

Skit 50:
One last final..........Success.

Go back to the Main Menu

c2003 Naze Nani Productions; Michael Reichelt. Leagal blah blah blah, I don't really know what goes here, just make it up for yourselves. Just know that if you use something from here without my permission that I will purchase rabid dogs and they will eat you gladly. Misu Vena Hanna Hanna Ha.